Friday, November 9, 2012

What I missed while in Vietnam

I have been gone for nearly a month spending time in a country I never imagines I would be in, Vietnam!  I went to teach for tow weeks and while everyone told em I couldnt be vegan there I found it to be quite easy.   As the title suggests this post is not about my food experience in that beautiful country, it is what I missed!

the first thing I ate when i got back, Re-fried beans and potatoes!  I think the only beans I ate while I was in Vietnam was tofu, boy they eat a lot of tofu!  but me I am happy to come home and have fried potatoes over re-fried beans with salsa fresca to top it off! I already had the beans so this only took me 15 minutes to make and it was like heaven!

More than beans I missed cooking!  oh man all my vietnam food is a restaurant/vegan living review (coming soon) but all I want is to cook!