Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Not quite Summer Pasta

It is late enough in the year that we are out of preserved tomatoes and not yet time for tomatoes from the garden!  Of course I could pop over to the store and get a can of sauce but sometimes food is enough work that going to the store makes it too much work!  It is also fun to be creative with food. . . to explore within the restrictions of the kitchen.  So I present to you a lovely pasta dish sans tomato.  This is essentially an garlic butter sauce on fusilli pasta (spirals).  Ironically we were also out of olive oil (my first choice in making a garlic sauce) and earth balance (my second choice though i usually like to cut it with other oils).  I 'resorted' to coconut oil.  since cocnut oil has a distinct flavor I dont like to use it when making sauces unless I am looking for a coconut flavor but it is still a perfect choice for this pasta.  Just having a bowl of pasta with garlic and oil is great but I like to toss in some color and flavor.  If you did want to go for the basic start with pressing or finely dicing garlic into a dish and mixing it with the oil so the flavor can diffuse. Cook and drain your pasta, lightly salt and pepper then toss with your garlic oil.  Different people have different enjoyments of oil so the amount can really vary but if this is your principle sauce you want a little less than a table spoon of garlic oil for every cup of pasta. I encourage you to start with less and slowly add.  Remember adding oil to pasta is easy taking it back out. . . .well.

To add some oomph I tossed in some diced broccoli, sliced kalmata olives, some kale stems I had been saving and then a handful of beans left over from making chili.   Adding these accoutrements doesnt just give you a bit of green and protein for your diet, it also adds color and texture and flavor.  I know it is important to keep things like calories, fat and protein in mind when you eat but damn it eating should be fun your food should be pretty and taste great!  The fact that this dish has a good mix of nutrients is just a bonus.

(and again I wish I had an avocado handy)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Late Night Tacos

You have a long day, and accidentally fall asleep right when you get home.  When you wake up at 1am and still need dinner what do you do?  well if you have a quart of chili left over in the fridge like I luckily did tacos make a quick and delicious choice.  The corn tortillas are gently warmed on a cast iron before they are topped with heated chili (learn more about how to make chili here: ).  The green is a mix of shredded cabbage and carrots with some snap peas.  I really like to use cabbage in a soft taco because it adds a nice texture without overshadowing the chili.  I'll admit, four tacos at 2am might be a lot to sleep on but it is also so delicious!  It would have been killer to have a dash of lime juice, a slice of avocado and a glass of horchata but it is 2 am and I am going to try and sleep.