Monday, July 9, 2012

Lunch to go

For the rest of summer my lunches are likely to be some combination of zucchini, tomatoes and basil but with the last head of cabbage from the cooler I put together a lunch to take hiking with me.  Cabbage travels quite well and is a good source of fiber (not to mention how well it carries flavor; much like tofu, cabbage is a medium for sauce).   The cabbage is a curry cabbage made in coconut oil with roasted peanuts over the top and a sprinkling of paprika for a subtle heat and nice color.  The rice to accompany it is a saffron rice (with turmeric to bump up the color) with diced and roasted carrots, corn and coconut.  The two flavor complimented each other well and I was happy I bought enough to share (because everyone wanted a taste).  

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